One of the fun parts of being a broke college kid in the kitchen is experimenting. You get really good at seeing what flavors work together and what don’t. Here is my latest creation, it’s sooo good!


Spicy Ballpark Soup


  • 2 hotdogs
  • 1 package of fresh mushrooms
  • butter
  • 1 can of baked beans, any flavor
  • 1/2 packet of taco seasoning
  • 2 cups of shredded cheese, any flavor
  • 3 tbs ranch dressing
  • 1 tbs bacon bits
  • paprika to taste
  • crushed red pepper to taste
  • minced garlic to taste
  • basil to taste
  • salt and pepper to taste
  1. Dice and fry up the mushrooms in a pan with butter, garlic, and paprika.
  2. Microwave, boil, or grill hotdogs. Cut into small pieces.
  3. Bring baked beans and half the can of water to a slow boil in a medium pot. Reduce head to medium-high once it hits a boil.
  4. Add everything but the cheese and cook for 5-6 minutes
  5. Slowly add handfuls of cheese to avoid clumping.
  6. When soup has thickened, it’s ready!
Makes about 6 servings.