To be fair to all of the bro’s out there, almost every guy I hang with it in a fraternity. That being said, there is a difference between a fratty bro, and a BRAH. Normally I’d say something entitled “bro tips” would have to be considered part of the lame bro category that TFM would make fun of, but some of them were actually inspirational. In my defense I found these on pinterest.

In case you are unaware of what “that guy” is, read this. Caution: if you are unaware then you are “that guy”. (Can be referring to a female). If not, read the article anyway, it’s hilarious! Via Thought Catalog. (Which I follow on Twitter and is increasingly becoming my favorite thing to read online).

Hahaha. I realize I’m burning myself with this one.

And finally,

🙂 Goodnight world.
