I’m sure most of you have wondered exactly what it is that make celebrities look so perfect all of the time. I know a lot of them are just overall good looking people, but they clearly have the money to look good 24/7. How exactly do they do this? It’s a question that magazines and TV shows attempt to answer all the time, and it’s really a lot more obvious then you might think. Eyebrows. Yep. Doing your eyebrows is the thing that will take you from looking average to looking really fuckin good. I mean I think all of you realize it’s necessary to tweeze/get waxed/get threaded, but there’s more to it than that. You need to get a brow pencil and for a lot of you, something to tame them. A lot of times people’s eyebrows are overplucked but not sculpted. I’m going to try to find or do a tutorial on this for a future post. For now, here are some pictures that help explain why this is so necessary to looking good:

Eyebrows are vital to shaping your face and giving you that stunning beauty that celebrities always seem to posess.

They actually look scary and almost unrecognizable without eyebrows. Obviously I’m aware that you’re not starting from scratch with no eyebrows, but not doing anything to your ‘brows is not much better.

(See, it’s not attractive.)

This girl has the right idea:

I love everything about her makeup. Everything is done to look completely natural. You might even guess she isn’t wearing a lot of makeup. I guarantee she is, but she just knows exactly how to do it so it looks natural.

Notice that none of these girls look like they’ve went over the top with their makeup. It looks natural so when you look at her you’re like damn she’s really pretty. I’m telling you.. it’s all about the ‘brows.

Here is the difference between a natural eyebrow and one that has been touched up with makeup.

There isn’t one shape or color that I can vouch for as the best. You really need to use your best judgement as far as what looks good in relation to your face shape and your complexion color. This isn’t saying that you can’t go wrong, because you forsure can:

Obviously this is very over-dramatic, but honestly look around and you’ll see women who don’t look to far off from this.

Although when you look through pop culture you’ll notice a lot of people rocking the darker ‘brow with light hair, there is a line you definitely shouldn’t cross. Her eyebrows are black and penciled in, and her hair is as light as it gets. This is a great example of what NOT to do.

So yeah I’ll get a tutorial up as soon as I can to give you all some more ideas on how to shape your face via your eyebrows! 🙂
